Since Barry Hearn took over at the helm of World Snooker, he has changed the game as we knew it beyond all recognition. Rather predictably at each stage he received criticism for the changes, yet pressed on regardless having full confidence in his 5 year plan to revolutionise the sport. As a general rule people […]
Interview with Graeme Dott 2014

I’ve been the strongest against it from the start. I don’t like it! I don’t think it’s good for the game. I don’t see anything at all in it that’s good. When I was against it initially you were getting some of the… I’ll call them clowns from the likes of forums saying he doesnae like it because he’s now going to be in the same round as everybody else and he’s scared to play them and things like that, which is a load of rubbish!
Interview with Vinnie Calabrese

I’m 26 now and I’m only really learning what before I thought I knew; the proper safety shots, the pro safety shots. Before I knew how to get the white to baulk, near enough the cushion but it’s not only the white, it’s putting the object ball somewhere, or placing a ball somewhere so it’s hard for them to return it.
Interview with Kurt Maflin

I thought that this might be it for me, I might not be able to play properly again. So I flew home, went to hospital and I hadn’t just broken my collarbone, I’d broken it in 3 different places and they had to operate immediately. It was meant to take an hour and I think it took 3, and now I’ve got a metal plate in there with 9 or 10 screws.
The Case Against Shot Clocks In Snooker
Is slow play killing the sport of snooker and what can be done about it?
Interview with WPBSA Chairman Jason Ferguson 2/2

For me the Wimbledon format is the one that works. You know, let’s cut to the centre table, let’s see what’s going on on an outside court where, you know, John Higgins is 4-1 down to a newcomer. We’re looking for stories, we’re looking for new blood to come through, we’re looking for those exciting moments which create news for us. And I think that is possible to do.
Interview with WPBSA Chairman Jason Ferguson 1/2

I beat Hendry in the Regal Welsh shortly after that match in the UK Championships so I was going quite strong at the time, but the politics within the game at the time were terrible. You could split the room and half the players would be on one side of the room and half on the other, and it was very bitter.